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The Astronomical Society of Frankston, Inc.


Public Viewing Nights

The A.S.F. regularly holds viewing nights for members of the general public. These are held on the FIRST FRIDAY of each month, at the Visitors Centre, The Briars Park, Mount Martha, Victoria, commencing at around 8pm.

The ASF President, Peter Skilton, converts the masses.


The program generally consists of a slide show presentation covering most aspects of basic astronomy, from the Sun and it's system of planets, moons, asteroids and comets to the farthest reaches of the known universe...

There is usually a quick question-and-answer session before heading outdoors to view the skies first-hand, using various telescopes and binoculars belonging to members of the Society.

In the event that the skies are uncooperative and poor weather prevents us from viewing, an extended slide-show/Q&A session is usually run. Coffee, tea and biscuits are also provided, free of charge.

The cost of attendance is: Adults :$8.00, Children: $4.00, Families (usually 2 adults and 2 children): $20.00.

Here's a list of dates for 2004: January 2nd, January 9th, January 16th, January 23rd, February 6th, March 5th, April 2nd, May 7th, June 4th, July 2nd, August 6th, September 3rd, October 1st, November 5th, December 3rd.

Bookings are essential: Phone the Society on 0419 253 252 or email stating which of the above dates you wish to attend, how many in your party and your contact details.

[ASFnet homepage] [The Briars homepage]